It's Easy

Setting up the CMC platform takes four easy steps.

1. Connect

Link your brand data sources to automate content generation and distribution (content syndication). Content mostly starts with a product information database but can also include images, video’s and so on.

2. Customize

Unlock the now readymade content for your sales outlets; you control the extend of individual customization options (e.g. design, choice of product categories/brands and color schemes); dealers generate their individual product catalogue through the CMC Platform portal in just 3 clicks.

3. Communicate

Offer participating sales outlets omnichannel marketing tools and fully designed campaigns to generate traffic and sales leads (online, mobile, social media). Simultaneously, this allows you to offer targeted, direct to consumer marketing opportunities to your brands.

4. Convert

Add eCommerce to the product catalogues or webshops to allow your sales outlets to conveniently reap the benefits of instant online lead conversion, including a range of payment and shipment options.

Facilitated synergy

The CMC Platform allows you to create synergy between online and offline. Sales outlets are empowered and activated to make the most of their individual online identity. Even if shopping crowds temporarily demand their full attention, they’re still facilitated online through automated push-updates.

Additional orders

Independent sales outlets now have an obvious incentive to order all available brands and categories from your business: it’s the easiest way to complete their online product catalogue and marketing tools! The CMC Platform offers the opportunity to visibly disable (‘grey out’) brands or categories not ordered through your business in the individual dealer’s catalogue.

Longtail opportunities

The CMC Platform enables you to offer your primary product range, but also longtail products directly to consumers through your sales outlets, including options for in-store pickup or even drop shipments.

Direct marketing channel

On top of the online/offline, additional brand orders and longtail sales potential of empowering your sales outlets online, the CMC Platform offers a second revenue opportunity. Your brands can now benefit from your connected channel to push their value, brand or action-based marketing content through your sales outlets straight to relevant consumers. They’re in control of the message and its look-and-feel; a valuable spotlight right where consumers can instantly buy their products.

Centralized channel management and market intelligence

The CMC Platform allows you to claim your role as online channel orchestrator and makes it easy to facilitate and control the flow of information from manufacturer to consumer through your retailers. Product, price or campaign updates can be instantly distributed with the push of a button. Measuring results and potentially sharing the resulting market intelligence with channel partners is at your disposal.